All Things Organic™ 2007 Conference: Local and organic: Competing or complimentary movements?

Local and organic: Competing or complimentary movements?

Local foods versus organic foods. Local and organic foods. Food miles. Farmer health. Environmental stewardship. These are all hot issues in today's marketplace. While "organic" is a regulated term in the United States, "local" is not and therefore it can be many different things to different people. What does "local" mean to you? Can local and organic coexist? Can everyone agree that it would be beneficial if all agriculture - local and global - was organic? If so, how do we get there? This session will cover these questions, attempt to develop a deeper understanding of these complex issues, and provoke discussion. The panelists, with national, local and regional perspectives will inspire thoughtful insights.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007: 10:30 AM
N227B (McCormick Place)
Marty Mesh, Executive Director, Florida Organic Growers (FOG), Gainesville, FL 32604
Local and Organic: All Things Organic
Tedd Heilmann, CROPP Cooperative, WI
Balancing "Food" Values
Lynn Clarkson, President, Clarkson Grain Company, Cerro Gordo, IL 61818-0080
Is Local and Organic the Future of Food?
Jim Slama, Sustain, Chicago, IL
See more of: Presentation files