All Things Organic™ 2007 Conference: Private Label Product Development for Retailers

Private Label Product Development for Retailers

As organic grows, more and more major retailers are rolling out organic private label product lines. If you’re a retailer thinking of developing new products or a manufacturer who’d like to produce private label goods, this session will teach you the ins and outs of partnerships, certification, and product development. You’ll hear from a private label manufacturer, a retailer that has recently rolled out a private label line, and others.
Monday, May 7, 2007: 2:30 PM
N227B (McCormick Place)
Joe Smillie, Senior Vice President, Quality Assurance International (QAI), S. Burlington, VT
Organic Private Branding
Ron Rash, President, Wizard's Cauldron Inc., Henderson, NV
Why Product Development? Where To Go For Help
Joann Scheel, Business Services Manager, University of Nebraska Food Processing Center, Lincoln, NE
Private Label Product Development for Retailers
Mary Mulry, PhD, President, FoodWise, Inc., San Antonio, TX 78204
See more of: Presentation files