Moms and Dads often choose organic products for their children, and shouldn't public school districts too? Speakers in this session will present research on the nutritional value of organic foods, discuss successful farm to school projects, and help manufacturers and school foodservice personnel work together to bring the benefits of organic to all children. We'll finish this session with a trip down to the Organic For Kids Showcase on the All Things Organic™ show floor.
Monday, May 7, 2007: 10:30 AM
N230B (McCormick Place)
Greg Christian, Founder and Chairman, Organic School Project, Chicago, IL
Lunch Lessons: Changing the Way We Feed Our Children
The Organic Lunchbox: Bringing organic to schools
Max's Organic Planet! Organic school lunch & enrichment programs
The Organic Lunchbox: Bringing organic to schools-4
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