Organic Inroads to School and Institutional Foodservice

Though organic sales in foodservice are still small – representing just over 4% of the $16.7 billon organic industry in the U.S. in 2006 – organic is poised for growth in this channel. Foodservice and processing sectors will come together in this session to share an understanding of the unique needs of the foodservice industry and highlight out-of-the box, unconventional methods that are helping institutional foodservice embrace healthy, organic foods in the absence of any major program or federal funding initiative. Learn how these two sectors can effectively build relationships and help organic succeed in foodservice.
Thursday, June 18, 2009: 10:30 AM
E259 (Lakeside Center, McCormick Place)
Dan McGovern, Publisher, Sustainable Food News
Organic Inroads to School and Institutional Foodservice - Overview
Dan McGovern, Publisher, Sustainable Food News
Promoting Good Food: Productive Partnerships between Corporations and Non-profit Organizations
Gina Asoudegan, Communications Manager, Applegate Farms, Dan McGovern, Publisher, Sustainable Food News, Scott Dennis, VP Business Development, Albert's Organics and Rochelle Davis, Founding Executive Director, Healthy Schools Campaign
Organic Inroads to School and Institutional Foodservice
Jamie Harvie, Food Coordinator, Healthcare without Harm
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