Organic 101: To Integrate or Separate – Organic produce department solutions

Should we integrate or separate organic and conventional produce in our store - this is the question on many retail managers’ minds. What’s legal? Which merchandising method is most effective for sales? How can I reduce my shrink? How is selling organic produce different from conventional? Learn the Good Organic Retailing Practices that can help you play by the rules, get your questions answered, and make the most of your produce displays.
Thursday, June 18, 2009: 10:30 AM
E350 (Lakeside Center, McCormick Place)
Todd Linsky, V.P. Organic Sales, Cal-Organic/Grimmway Farms
Organic 101: To Integrate or Separate - Produce department solutions
Todd Linsky, V.P. Organic Sales, Cal-Organic/Grimmway Farms
Organic 101: To Integrate or Separate - Organic Produce Department Solutions
Robert Scaman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Goodness Greeness
Organic 101: To Integrate or Separate
T.C. Williams, Director of Training, Crosset Company
Organic 101: To Integrate or Separate – Organic produce department solutions (Q&A)
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