As the organic market matures, it presents new opportunities and challenges for retailers and requires fresh and dynamic merchandising tactics. Get some tips from the pros on everything from displaying organic produce, to stocking packaged foods, to incorporating organic non-food products into your inventory. Hear about the impact that POP materials and engaging consumer campaigns can make, find out how the Organic Trade Association can assist you, and visit the Good Organic Retailing Practices booth and the Corner Store on the All Things Organic™ show floor during this interactive session.
Sunday, May 6, 2007: 10:30 AM
N227B (McCormick Place)
Jesse Singerman, President, Prairie Ventures LLC, 219 Ronalds St, Iowa City, IA 52245-1939
Go Organic! For Earth Day
Is there WOW when they walk in?
Organic Merchandising: More than a "category"
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